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March 2009 April 2009
More About Me.
Hie, this blog is done for my trip to Wuhan, Hubei, China! Availability 3rd march till 12 april 2009. Continuation of blogging is still unknown. Welcome to my life in China!
Name:Xin Hui =]
Currently in ngee ann poly
Under skul of life science and chemical technology
Gender: Female
♥my family =]
♥my friends =]
♥Huai rens and sst =]
♥didi =]
♥ambassador =]
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Thursday, April 16, 2009!
HandWritten on; 1:25 PM

This blog is offically CLOSED! No more blogging in this blog!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:33 PM

Before i start my last day, i would like to say something to the student unioins (even though i do not know that they will read my blog annot)

To Kidd: 你的不辞而别,真的把我搞得非常乱!起初还想跟你独照,可是,当时,我就一直在机场找你,却找不到。后来才从felicia手机知道你走了。我就马上打给你。而发现,打给你后我更难过。从你的声音,我感受到了悲伤。不知不觉,我也跟你有同样的感觉,我的泪水就不听话地流了出来。。。可能是没有做好心理准备你会有这样的行动。也可能是没有真正的好好跟你道别,心里觉得很不舒服。又可能是知道你离开了而每有好好多跟你说话和看你多一点。。。 正如你所写,“而当我离开机场,便开始后悔.“。为何后悔没回机场?!?!我们都想你回来!尤其是我!你打来的那几通电话原本是要叫你回来。可是当我每次问你在哪时,你跟我说你离开了,我就没勇气叫你回来了。。。总而言之,我已离开了,说什么已经于事无补。现在的我只希望你会开心!而我也会开心。正如我说的:Happiness is a state of mind。 要保持联络哦!我没有怪你的不辞而别。不要跟我说对不起!Best of luck to you in whatever you are doing! I will never forget you! Don’t worry, I will keep the best part of you in my heart! Looking forward to 2 years later! Our next reunion!原我们下次的告别不会是这个样子!盼望着两年后的到来!会非常想你的!=]

To Charlotte: 不要哭!我们的再见不是永远的!要笑哦!我们七月见!不见不散!

To Yep Yep and Journey: 你们很坚强!没有哭!我会很想你们的!

To Jason: 谢谢你跟Kidd每次都在我们需要你们的时候都在!谢谢上天让我认识你!很开心能够和你们做朋友!

To Yellow, Fire and Guy: 哈哈,我也会很想你们的!谢谢你们在机场跟我拍的独照!

To Rocco: 要和Charlotte一起来哦!我们七月见!盼望那天的到来!

To the rest of the Student Unions: 很高兴都认识你们!虽然没很了解你们,可是你们都是很棒的朋友!两年后我们一定会再见的!抱着期待的心态,等待两年后的到来!

Day 41
Weather: About 20 degrees


Today was the last day in WUST, Wuhan, China. I have longed to go back home, but on that day, that particular moment, I felt different. The friendship we built, the atmosphere, the environment, the hostel stay, the food (which I only like some of them), the people in Wuhan will all be gone in no less a few hours time! The sense of belonging created here gave this strange feeling circulating within me. Suddenly, I felt lost; lost in the woods. However, live still needs to go on…

As mention, i fell asleep yeterday from 1am till 5am. The reason why i woke up at 5am as i wanted to go to the Wall mart to buy Kidd's farewell gifts. Also, i was hoping that Jonathan is done with the designing of the farewell letter which i asked him to do the previous night, for that 4 person. Without dissapointment, he done it! (Thanks and well done Jonathan!)

As we(felicia and I) was waiting for the time to pass, we went to Jasper's room to ill treat his plushie! (Jasper, if you saw this, please do not come and kill me! Chill man!)

So, as the clock ticked away, it's time for us to set off! We cabbed down with Yi Sheng(he wants to protect us) to the Wallmart nearby. Our last time taking taxi there...

Strangly, when we reached there, there were TONS of people there already
See what i mean?
People rushing in. We tried to find the reason why, but to no avail. Thus, after buying what we are required, we went back to collect our present for Charoltte, Yep Yep and Journey

So, the present we bought for them were:
Charoltte and Yep Yep:A bouquet of flower each
For these two pretty lady. We hope that they will stay cheerful and pretty and as these flowers! Also, there were 7 flowers in it to show our friendship!

Journey: A BIG bear!It's really big, as comparable to the size of me?)
The reason why we bought her a bear was that the bear just symbolised her! Cute, Cuddling, Friendly, Cheerful!

Kidd: 4 bottles of different flavours breezer and 5 packets of pocky!
The reason why we bought that for him was that they were all sold in Singapore. Thus, having little knowledge of what to give to him, i suggested in buying goods sold in Singapore for him to let him had a hold of Singapore food and drinks!

Hope you all like the present, Alan, Felicia, Yi Sheng, Mei Yi, Jonathan and I gave you all! Glad to know you guys!
Eternity friendship!

After giving them the presents, they were really very touched and Charoltte broke into her tears almost immediately! Felt sad for her actually as she really can't bear to let us go...Of course, after much comforting, she is fine.We will definetly meet again!

So, after those emotional times, back to our dormitory and do our last packing.

As for now, i shall let the pictures do the talking...

Before going to the air port...

Our luggages: Felicia's, Mei yi's and Xin Hui's
Double checking whether there were still item left behind

All Cleared! Good bye room ='[

The pile of rubbish we create and left behind in Wuhan, China

Going to the air port...

Leaving WUST from the back gate...

Everyone's luggages placed in 1 bus

My another group of friends in another bus

After reachining the air port,it's photo time! Journey, Yep Yep, Felicia, Me and Charlotte

Me and my Beloved girls! Pretty Girls!

Me and adorable Charlotte

Me and the mature Yep Yep

Me and the cute journey

Us doing heart!

Joey and me

Cherry and me!

Fire and me

Guy and me

Jason and me!

Yellow and me

Felicia and Yep Yep. We was saying to transport her together with our luggages with the fragile sticker pasting on her. hahas
She is so cute!

Comment this picture youself?

Me and rocco

Together! LSCT students and the student unions!
But no kidd, as he has FLEE!!!!

Althought everyone is smiling(including myself) i know that behind that smile, was something else; misery and unwillingness.
However, good things always need to come to an end

As to all of you, thank you for all the care, support and time you all gave. Every single of you had make an impact to my life.Those memorise you all gave me will always be kept in my heart!

I'm blessed knowing you guys and endeavor in whatever you are doing! A GIGANTIC THANK YOU FROM ME YOU ALL OF YOU! Stay happy =]

My flight tickets
My fligth no. from Wuhan to Guanzhou was CZ3345 ,seat number was 21A
Then, My flight no. from Guanzhou to Singapore was CZ351 ,seat number 20F
See my seat number! They were all window seats! A and F are window seats! Also, i have found out that my seats are ALWAYS window seats!

In Wuhan air port...

As they were delay(1 hour) of our Airplane, we need to take a shettled bus to our plane...

Also, climbing up the stairs to the plane. Sad right?!?! It was raining somemore! Bored this plane around 4.30pm.

After reaching guanzhou air port(6pm)...

We collected our luggages to transfer from domestic flight, to international flight.

My luggage and Felicia's

We were hurried an air stewards to catch our next plane as we were late(because of the delay at Wuhan).

Going from one terminal to another terminal was VERY FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
So, this was the weight of my check in luggage! There was an allowance of 30kg for us. Lucky i did not exceed. I got my tag for my luggage, went to put them in Oversize luggage area and off we went to immigration checks. Then, again, checks after checks.

Finally, with much effort put in by us, we were ontime! We reached the internation airplane by 7pm!
It was bigger than the airplane we took earlier on.

Going into the plane to Singapore

My seat, located just beside the emergency door!

2 seater there only, used to have 3, but because its located beside emergency door, it's like that. Romatic?

Air stewards seat beside me!

Me and the air stewards. From what she have told me, she said that this airplane was usually not full and she was surprised that it was filled that day. As known from her, usually, out of the 185 seats, only 105seats were taken up!
This means we were the bulk! No wonder the air stewards earlier on keep rushing us

Li ying and Mei yi oppsite of me

In the airplane, dinner time!

My table

Serving of drinks. I asked for apple juice and mineral water

At last, here comes our dinner! The menu for the day: Seafood/Chicken. As im allergic to seafood, i took the Chicken of course.

My food!
Finished! Full!

Soon, around 11.05pm, we reached SINGAPORE!!

After alighting from the plane, it was around 11.21pm, we came back as what is stated! HORRAY!

Straight after im out, i took my luggage and went to find my family.
Sorry guys for not staying with you all and taking group photos (See you on friday!17.04.09! our group gathering, we shall take pictures then!)

Lastly, a video taken by my sister of me coming out of the airport!

Her Videoing skill is: LOUSY! stop the video at the wrong time.

Finally, I reached my own hometown! I should be very happy, but however, there were some echoing inside me. “I missed Wuhan, China” Yes, I don’t deny the fact I missed that country; the people, food, environment, atmosphere and everything there. Although some were incomparable to Singapore, but every country’s have its pros and cons.
To think of it, the people we met, the places we went, shopping we did, sports we played, the joy we shared, the stress we overcome, the food we all ate, sleepless nights we had, continuous lectures and tutorial, celebrations we had and staying over we enjoyed... be it with/without the accompany of students unions,all these were priceless experience for me, and together when they are pieced up,it became an unforgettable journey for me…

Oh ya, to side track a bit, see the laundry that i created! Yup! This are all mine, incase you are wondering! There is still second round of washing! hahas

HandWritten on; 8:13 PM

Day 40 (Last 2 days in Wuhan)
Weather: Getting warmer and warmer! Around 20 degrees

It’s going to be a short post

Yet to buy our 土特产 (souvenir; Food), I woke at 8.30am as we (LSCT and together with some of the student unions) promised to meet at 9am to do shopping again.

Sadly, only Kidd and Journey accompanied us as the previous bunch of people whom went clubbing last night got into some incident (over drunk) and some were even hospitalized!

Due to the involvement of Charlotte’s and Yep Yep’s roommates in that incident too, they were unable to join us as both of them, were in the hospital with their roommates for the whole night.

Thus, we only left with Journey and Kidd with us. Not to forget, Kidd also did not slept for the whole night as he was in hospital accompany his friends too.
Thank you Kidd for the accompany!

So, we went to 汉正街,老鼠街 to shop again.

Shopped till 1pm then we settled down to eat at this steamboat restaurant (Recommended by Kidd)

The resturant that we ate in
See the lighting, is from a this mushroom! UNIQUE!

The BEST EVER, CLEANEST toilet i saw in Wuhan in their resturant

But it still not a toilet bowl. And seriously, their sanitary bin really need to do something about it. It's really DISGUSTING!

The design of the resturant! Very special! It give us a feeling like pinic! Also, now you see eating under sakura.

Now under orange leave(i don know what they are called) and under normal tress(further behind of the photo on top)

Our soup base! One is plain base another 1 is spicy! I tell you, the spicynessis really SPICY!! China people can eat spicy!
Tada, our food. Comments:It's comparable to normal steamboat?

After that, we went to Wall Mart(A Big Supermarket, not hyper market) to buy our 土特产 .

Cabbed back WUST for Mr Chong ‘s dinner treat at 6.45pm.
The Yangtze river tunnel 长江隧道 we passed through.
At last, we got to experience the 3 infrastructure that Wuhan, China have:
-The Tunnel
-The Yangtze bridge
-The Highway

The restaurant that we ate in was near WUST 秦风 (Is it like that write?) Actually we wanted to have a guest room so that everyone can fit it. Unfortunately, we do not have that room as the place is packed (see, how good that restaurant is!). Thus, we sit separately in 2 tables and Mr Chong ordered 10dishes for each table! That’s so many!!

!That night, we ate till very full.

After dinner, me and Felicia went to roam for our farewell gift to: Charlotte, Yep Yep, Journey and Kidd.

Later in the night, we invited Charlotte, Journey and Yep Yep over to our dormitory to stay over! They brought some nail polish and started polishing everyone nails! So cute of them!

Sadly, I fell asleep again as I was really very tired.
Let me tell you the sleep I have last few days:

Starting from Day 37: No sleep for whole night (Doing our Env Tech project)
Day 38: No sleep again; unless sleeping at the KTV from 3am till 5am is counted
Day 39: At least got some sleep from 1.30am till 8.30am.